ServersMU - Comunidad

Zona Programadores => Sources => Mensaje iniciado por: Applayo en Abril 25, 2021, 12:13:54 am

Título: Remove You are connected to the server - 1.04e
Publicado por: Applayo en Abril 25, 2021, 12:13:54 am

[code]    MemorySet(0x0063CD76,0x90,0x5); //->You are connected to the server
    MemorySet(0x0063CD69,0x90,0x5); //->You are connected to the server[/code]

Denis Alves
Título: Re: Remove You are connected to the server - 1.04e
Publicado por: paofu en Abril 30, 2021, 12:27:31 am
good share thanks
Título: Re: Remove You are connected to the server - 1.04e
Publicado por: robins1998 en Mayo 27, 2021, 02:25:10 am
Very helpful, thanks for sharing.