Worldwide MU Online Community
Comunidad de MU Online en Español
- Added support for X-Team Season 15 Slayer- English language is now loaded alongside switchable languages (to prevent missing phrases)- Russian language phrases updated- Simplified Chinese language phrases updated- Romanian language phrases updated- Lithuanian language phrases updated- Filipino language phrases updated- Russian language phrases updated- Spanish language phrases updated- Added support for IGCN Season 16 Gun Crusher- Fixed issue with zen requirement on character unstick module- Fixed issue with zen requirement on character clear skill-tree module- Fixed issue with zen requirement on character add stats module- PayPal payments module improved- Language switcher now detects which language is currently active- Forum link removed from navbar- Updated default rankings configurations- Updated registration helper text to display information according to website configurations- Overall template visual improvements- Portuguese language phrases updated- Added new guild score formulas for guilds ranking- Added guild exclusion list to guilds ranking- News are now base64 encrypted to provide better support for utf8 content