SSeMU Season 2 Episode 1 PHI

Blood Castle
Bonus Manager
Castle Deep
Castle Siege
Chaos Castle
Devil Square
Drop Event
- Halloween
- Ribbon
Invasion Manager
- Skeleton King
- Red Dragon
- Golden Dragon
- White Wizard
Custom Arena
Custom Event Drop
Custom Luke Helper
Comandos:* /move <MapName>
* /guildwar <GuildTarget>
* /guildsoccer <GuildTarget>
* /request <on-off-auto> <password>
* /post <message>
* /addstr <amount>
* /addagi <amount>
* /addvit <amount>
* /addene <amount>
* /addcmd <amount>
* /pkclear
* /money <Amount>
* /evo
* /ware <ChestNumber>
* /reset
* /reset auto <Str> <Agi> <Vit> <Ene> <Cmd>
* /mreset
* /clearinv
* /readd
* /treereset <0~3>
* /rename <NewName>
* /dcfriend <Target> <AccPassword>
* /store <syntax> config syntax on GameServerInfo - Custom.dat
* /offstore
* /attack <syntax> config syntax on CustomAttack.txt
* /offattack
* /gift <code> config code on CustomGift.txt
* /marry <Target>
* /accept
* /divorce
* /trackmarry
* /offhelper
* /buyvip <planname> config on CustomBuyVip.txt
* /pack <syntax> <10-20-30> config syntax on GameServerInfo - Custom.dat
* /unpack <syntax>
* /pick
* /pickset -1 <Zen> <Jewel> <Exc> <Set>
* /pickset <0~20> <syntax>
* /pickclear
* /gmmove <Target> <MapNumber> <PosX> <PosY>
* /gmpost <Message>
* /track <Target>
* /trace <Target>
* /disconnect <Target>
* /firework
* /make <Section> <Index> <Level> <Skill> <Luck> <Option> <Exc> <Set> <JoH> <380> <Socket>
* /make <-Amount> <Section> <Index> <Level> <Skill> <Luck> <Option> <Exc> <Set> <JoH> <380> <Socket>
* /drop <Section> <Index> <Level> <Skill> <Luck> <Option> <Exc> <Set> <Socket>
* /drop <-Amount> <Section> <Index> <Level> <Skill> <Luck> <Option> <Exc> <Set> <Socket>
* /skin <Target> <MobIndex>
* /setmoney <Target> <Amount>
* /hide
* /edit <Target> <Level> <LevelUpPoints> <Str> <Agi> <Vit> <Ene> <Cmd> (Use: -1 to reset any parameter)
* /setcoin <Target> <Coin1> <Coin2> <Coin3> (Use the minus (-) operator to subtract in any currency)
* /setpk <Target> <1~6>
* /setvip <Target> <Days>
* /moveall <MapNumber> <PosX> <PosY>
* /moveguild <GuildTarget>
* /makemob <MobIndex> <Amount>
* /makeset <Index> <Level> <Luck> <Option> <Exc> <Set> <JoH> <380> <Socket>
* /banacc <Target>
* /banchar <Target>
* /banchat <Target> <Minutes>
* /unbanacc <Target>
* /unbanchar <Target>
* /unbanchat <Target>
* /bcstart
* /dsstart
* /csstart
* /itstart
* /setbuff <Target> <BuffIndex> <0-1> <Duration> <Power1> <Power2> <Power3> <Power4>
Setup Guide:Guía de instalación | Installation guide:
[ES] Durante toda la instalación modificaremos los archivos con Notepad++ (
[EN] During the entire installation we will modify the files with Notepad ++ (
[ES] Editar CustomerName:
[EN] Edit CustomerName:
* ConnectServer\ConnectServer.ini
* DataServer\DataServer.ini
* GameServer\DATA\GameServerInfo - Common.dat
* GameServerCS\DATA\GameServerInfo - Common.dat
* JoinServer\JoinServer.ini
* MHPServer\MHPServer.ini
* Tools\GetMainInfo\GetClientInfo.ini
* Tools\GetMainInfo\GetMainInfo.ini
[ES] Editar dirección IP:
[EN] Edit IP address:
* ConnectServer\ServerList.dat
* Data\MapServerInfo.txt
* Tools\GetMainInfo\GetClientInfo.ini
* Tools\GetMainInfo\GetMainInfo.ini
[ES] Nota: Editar con bloc de notas de Windows puede generar errores.
[EN] Note: Editing with Windows Notepad can generate errors.
Setup Guide:
Guía de instalación | Installation guide:
[ES] Durante toda la instalación modificaremos los archivos con Notepad++ (
[EN] During the entire installation we will modify the files with Notepad ++ (
[ES] Editar CustomerName:
[EN] Edit CustomerName:
* ConnectServer\ConnectServer.ini
* DataServer\DataServer.ini
* GameServer\DATA\GameServerInfo - Common.dat
* GameServerCS\DATA\GameServerInfo - Common.dat
* JoinServer\JoinServer.ini
* MHPServer\MHPServer.ini
* Tools\GetMainInfo\GetClientInfo.ini
* Tools\GetMainInfo\GetMainInfo.ini
[ES] Editar dirección IP:
[EN] Edit IP address:
* ConnectServer\ServerList.dat
* Data\MapServerInfo.txt
* Tools\GetMainInfo\GetClientInfo.ini
* Tools\GetMainInfo\GetMainInfo.ini
[ES] Nota: Editar con bloc de notas de Windows puede generar errores.
[EN] Note: Editing with Windows Notepad can generate errors.
Downloads:* Debe registrarse y descargar la ultima versión disponible desde el panel.